For the month of February the price for both the hard back and epub version of 'Comfort Food With a Flair' are 25% off retail price on the website and at our restaurant!
Retail price $9.95 and 7% sales tax. Our EPUB was created using "fixed" format (epub v3) that views with imagery and spread pages just like the printed version. This is not a "flowable" version and may not view properly with older devices. While purchasing the digital file from this website you will be able to create a username with password to download the file.
To use the downloaded file you need an ebook (epub) viewer on the device you are using.
Or the digital download can be purchased direct through Books on Google Play or Amazon Kindle. which may be easier for you to set up.
Step into a world where cherished memories of family gatherings, laughter, and the tantalizing aromas of home-cooked meals come alive with every turn of the page. Chef Stuart Borton and Nancy Borton invite you to reimagine your favorite comfort foods in a whole new way, infusing them with a dash of innovation and culinary magic.